Thursday, July 1, 2010

Unintentional hiatus

So, I didn't mean to go a whole month without blogging. I've got several excuses, including: nice weather, no job, friends to see...

You may have noticed that I didn't mention "writing the next great American novel". Well, that's because I've been having a really hard time writing. I'm not sure what the deal is. I mean, the things mentioned above definitely have something to do with it. But outside of that...I'm just feeling really uninspired. Even thinking about writing on this blog feels...tedious.

Maybe I need a better routine. Maybe I need a muse of sorts. Maybe maybe maybe.

Maybe I need to just get with the program.

"In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write?" -- Rainer Maria Rilke

Is that true of me? I need to get words out, that's for sure. I bet if I was isolated from humanity, I'd get a lot of writing done! As that doesn't seem to be a real option at the moment, I'll need to figure out a way to motivate myself to write more consistently. I WANT to be serious about this. And maybe just writing this right here is a good start...

By the way...isn't Rilke just a genius when it comes to getting to the point?

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