Monday, August 31, 2009

Adventures in Reading: "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin


Honestly, if I could make a you-have-to-read-this-book-before-you-die bundle for everyone I know, this book would be in it. The writing itself isn't anything ground-breaking. It's essentially just story telling. What makes this book so amazing is the story, this true story that is now required reading for top military officials. Greg Mortenson overcame obstacle after obstacle, and his only goal was to help people. His story is so compelling, I literally cried about a half dozen times.

Greg's life proves that one person can make a difference. And it proves that a person of good character with right motives can bridge seemingly impossible gaps, that humans really aren't that different from each other anywhere on earth.

I can't really describe this book in a way that feels adequate to me right now. Suffice it to say that you should read it. Everyone should read it. It's a quick read, but it will have a lasting impression. I am eagerly awaiting the continuation of this story in "Stones into Schools", due out later this year.

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