Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Say what?

I sit down with my cup of coffee at the only free table in the shop. I pick the seat facing the door so I can see you when you come in. Drumming on the side of my cup, I look around. Full. Not conducive to conversation, especially not the kind I see us having. Oh well. It's better than somewhere quiet.

You walk in the door and look around until you spot me. Instead of ordering a drink, you head straight for me. Great. I have no time to think. The chair scrapes along the floor as you pull it out for yourself, and again as you scoot it in. You fold your hands and smile an awkward smile. "So," you say, "what did you need to talk about?"

And I choke. Why can't I ever think of what I want to say when it's time to actually say it? Wait! I know what to do.

I pull a boombox out of my bag and hit play.

Don't you wish life could be like that?! I know I do. There are so many times I wish I could say, "Hold on a second...there's a song that can say what I'm trying to say much better than I can," and then play it. But even if I quote a song in conversation, I'm going to sound pretty silly. *sigh*

Maybe if I start doing it, it will catch on...

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